DMC adds to Confluence 2 new macros, which are:
Workflow current history user
To insert this macro in a Confluence page, type “/Workflow current history user” where you want it to appear. This creates a table with those columns:
State/Approval Name
Action - the type of modification
By - the person that has caused the modification
Datetime of the change
Comment - that is written by the owner of the change
The only modifications that appear on the table are : Change State, Approved and Rejected. The assignments and unassignments of the documents are not shown here.
You can edit this macro to change the Confluence page of which the table deals with.
DMC Page History
To insert this macro in a Confluence page, type “/DMC page history” where you want it to appear. This creates a table that is similar to the page history available when clicking on “DMC history” (to know more about it, please check this link : Check the EDMS history ).